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Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
Logotyp för Naturhistoriska riksmuseet

Audio guide to The Human Journey

Here you can download the audio guide to The Human Journey into your mp3 or Daisy player.

The audio guide is intended for all those who feel that an audio guide contributes something extra to an exhibition visit. Or who have trouble reading the texts in the exhibition.

It is suitable for those who want a guided tour but would rather wander the exhibition on their own, and look at all the fascinating objects and listen to their story, rather join a group. The story told in the guide is a little less constrained than the text in the exhibition, but includes the same facts.

The audio guide is easier to follow if it is used together with the map of the exhibition.

Download a map of the exhibition Pdf, 133.9 kB.

How to download and play

Download audio tracks for MP3 or Daisy below by either downloading all files at once as a zip file or right-clicking on each file and choosing Save target as... (or equivalent, depending on your web browser)

Files for download

Click on the respective folder to download:

Files available for download
File type icon Filename File size File upload date
daisy-the-human Zip, 556 MB. 556 MB 2023-11-18 10.37
01_The_Human_Journey.mp3 Mp3, 2.2 MB. 2.2 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
02_1_Human_evolution__a_tangled_b.mp3 Mp3, 2.8 MB. 2.8 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
03_2_Touma__first_on_two_legs.mp3 Mp3, 1 MB. 1 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
04_3_The_first_family.mp3 Mp3, 2 MB. 2 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
05_4_The_great_climate_change.mp3 Mp3, 1 MB. 1 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
06_5_Paranthropus__teeth_that_can.mp3 Mp3, 1.8 MB. 1.8 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
07_6_Homo_habilis__hand_of_the_ma.mp3 Mp3, 1.9 MB. 1.9 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
08_7_The_oldest_tools.mp3 Mp3, 1.9 MB. 1.9 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
09_8_A_body_like_ours.mp3 Mp3, 2.5 MB. 2.5 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
10_9_The_true_Europeans.mp3 Mp3, 2.4 MB. 2.4 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
11_10_last_but_not_least.mp3 Mp3, 1.6 MB. 1.6 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
12_11_From_idea_to_reality.mp3 Mp3, 1.1 MB. 1.1 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
13_12_The_genetic_journey.mp3 Mp3, 3.1 MB. 3.1 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
14_13_The_Human_Journey__the_movi.mp3 Mp3, 245.7 kB. 245.7 kB 2023-11-18 10.28
15_14_The_brain__a_complex_piece_.mp3 Mp3, 1.9 MB. 1.9 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
16_15_Africa__cradle_of_human_cul.mp3 Mp3, 1.4 MB. 1.4 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
17_16_Where_do_we_go_from_here.mp3 Mp3, 979.6 kB. 979.6 kB 2023-11-18 10.28
18_17_Mammal_relationships.mp3 Mp3, 2.5 MB. 2.5 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
19_18_What_is_a_species.mp3 Mp3, 4.1 MB. 4.1 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
20_19_Elephants__not_only_giants.mp3 Mp3, 2.3 MB. 2.3 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
21_20_All_in_the_family.mp3 Mp3, 3.2 MB. 3.2 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
22_21_Walk_like_you.mp3 Mp3, 2.5 MB. 2.5 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
23_22_Evolution_on_islands.mp3 Mp3, 2.4 MB. 2.4 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
24_23_Horses_in_a_changing_enviro.mp3 Mp3, 2.7 MB. 2.7 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
25_24_Monster_birds.mp3 Mp3, 1.8 MB. 1.8 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
26_25_The_pulse_of_climate.mp3 Mp3, 2.2 MB. 2.2 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
27_26_The_first_Europeans.mp3 Mp3, 2.3 MB. 2.3 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
28_27_Wolly_rhinoceros.mp3 Mp3, 492.2 kB. 492.2 kB 2023-11-18 10.28
29_28_Sabertooth_predators.mp3 Mp3, 2.7 MB. 2.7 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
30_29_Giant_deer.mp3 Mp3, 1.1 MB. 1.1 MB 2023-11-18 10.28
bwxy0001.smil Smil, 4.3 kB. 4.3 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy002b.smil Smil, 4.3 kB. 4.3 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy002c.smil Smil, 4.5 kB. 4.5 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy002d.smil Smil, 4.8 kB. 4.8 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy002e.smil Smil, 5.4 kB. 5.4 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy002f.smil Smil, 2.9 kB. 2.9 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy003a.smil Smil, 3.9 kB. 3.9 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy003b.smil Smil, 4.4 kB. 4.4 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy003c.smil Smil, 5.6 kB. 5.6 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy003d.smil Smil, 3.9 kB. 3.9 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy003e.smil Smil, 4.2 kB. 4.2 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy003f.smil Smil, 4.7 kB. 4.7 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0026.smil Smil, 7.9 kB. 7.9 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0027.smil Smil, 2.1 kB. 2.1 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0031.smil Smil, 5.7 kB. 5.7 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0032.smil Smil, 1.2 kB. 1.2 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0033.smil Smil, 5 kB. 5 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0034.smil Smil, 3.1 kB. 3.1 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0035.smil Smil, 2.5 kB. 2.5 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0036.smil Smil, 6.2 kB. 6.2 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0037.smil Smil, 8 kB. 8 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0038.smil Smil, 4.8 kB. 4.8 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0039.smil Smil, 8.4 kB. 8.4 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0040.smil Smil, 1.7 kB. 1.7 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0041.smil Smil, 5.6 kB. 5.6 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0042.smil Smil, 2.5 kB. 2.5 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0044.smil Smil, 2.5 kB. 2.5 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0045.smil Smil, 4.3 kB. 4.3 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0046.smil Smil, 4.3 kB. 4.3 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
bwxy0048.smil Smil, 2.7 kB. 2.7 kB 2023-11-18 10.30
master.smil Smil, 562 bytes. 562 bytes 2023-11-18 10.30
ncc.html Html, 6.1 kB. 6.1 kB 2023-11-18 10.30

What is DAISY?

The audio guide for Daisy, available for download above, are one of the features designed to enhance accessibility to the vision impaired.

DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) is a standard format for digital talking books that allows the user to: make bookmarks, pause books, speed up or slow down, read or ignore footnotes and jump easily from chapter to chapter, heading to heading and page to page.

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